I need advice. I am a little over 7 months pregnant and I have been with my boyfriend for over 9 years. He always wanted more kids (he has a daughter already from a marriage) but I couldn't come out pregnant. I even went to Drs who told me I can't get pregnant, then in 2007 we got pregnant and had a miscarriage. Since then we gave up. Now we found out in December 2009 that I am pregnant again but this time its good. I am very happy and excited but he seems to be disconnected from us. I don't even see him as much as I use too. I have brought this up to his attention in which he tells me that I am seeing things, he needs a little time cuz he has things going on in his life and that I am just too touchy. Maybe I am seeing too much into it but he hasn't come to any drs visit, he wasn't even there to see what the sex of our child is, he doesn't rub, talk to, or really have any contact with my belly whatsoever!
Tell me the truth, do men go through this and return to normal once the baby is here or he is he pulling away? What should I do?
Sister SM
First of all big hugs and belly rubs. Second, you have to remember that after a loss, men grieve as well as women do but in different ways. He could be separating himself in fear that the first outcome will be the result of this pregnancy. I would try and get him involved as much as possible and remain open minded. Keep an open communication with him about your feelings and hopefully he will open up.