I am so embarrassed to actually come out with this but i really need advice and some information. I just found out I have herpes. Still waiting on lab results but my doc said she is pretty positive.
I am a single mom who has not been sexually active in 1 1/2 years until recently. I have been seeing this one guy for about 3 months. Every time we have had sex we have used condoms because I am super anal about it because this is the stuff that happens to me.
How do I go about talking about it to this guy, family, friends. What should I say if anything?
Does anyone have any advice for me for life from now on? I know everything has changed forever now. Is there hope that I will ever find anyone?
Am I putting my son and family at risk by keeping this a secret? I wash my hands like crazy and use sanitizer.
I'm so scared. I feel like my life is over and I am only 22. My doctor assures me that this is a common problem and to not beat myself up over it but I really cant help it. Anything information I can get would be greatly appreciated. Please do not write anything nasty to me because I am already beating myself up enough as it is. Thanks.
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Thank you for helping another sister work it out.