
There is strength and safety in numbers, so I want to be able to tap into our collective spirit of strength, knowledge, humor, love, kindness, etc. to build a online community or emotional safe house for any and all who may need it.

So I am unsure where this may lead, but with women in charge I know we will be alright.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How do I explain to my child...

How do you deal with someone not wanting their child to play with yours anymore and trying to explain it when your child wants to play with them? Some background: we moved to a new community. The kids became friends fast and I became friends with the other kid's mom. She is of a different religion from us but that didn't seem to make any difference to her. That was until we started going back to church.

Now I have been de-friended on FB and was told that the kids can't be friends anymore. Of course she said it was for other reasons that my older daughter and I did not see or witness (but if she is going to blame my daughter on anything her son says or does then I don't want them playing anyway). They are only 6 years old I don't think they are discussing religion and philosophy on the playground....lol my older daughter said to ignore them and move on...It's just that we bought this house and now I feel weird even going outside...they have been here much longer and have a clique.

I don't know what was said to the other neighbors...I feel that going on the defensive would just make things worse because she is so outspoken...any advice would be good...

Sister TC

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Thank you for helping another sister work it out.